Penguins are naturally well dressed birds, but with age they can lose their style, or rather their feathers. Pierre, a penguin that lives at the California Academy of Science in San Francisco, was going bald in his old age. The situation was dangerous because a penguin's feathers keep them warm, as well as help them identify one another. As Pierre lost his feathers, other birds began picking on him and he was swimming less. To remedy the situation, biologists created a neoprene suit that would keep Pierre healthy and happy. Now that Pierre is better dressed he's been doing well.
(Originally reported by National Public Radio. Picture supplied by the California Academy of Science.)
That's nice of them to make a suit for an old penguin to save it from cold and from other penguins. :-)
penguin..i have one in my bad...haha
just kidding my friend...
but i like about penguin
Even penguins are fashion-conscious? Well, perhaps this neoprene suit will become the in thing and all the penguins will be queuing up for one.
He looks snazzy :)
Awwwww!!!!! Now he just needs a tie!
It's really news to me that penguins identify each other by their feathers. I'm glad for Pierre now, though. Thanks for such an entertaining blog! You're doing a great job!
Hi Kim! I like that you're using more pics - makes it fun. And I heard the story about the penguin and loved it. Keep up the good work :)
OMG, this is awesome!! :)
love this story! would be great fun to see Pierre in person - ahh maybe that's in penguin. glad you included the picture.
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